martedì 15 marzo 2016

SPIEGONE Simon Blood:
Molte persone ci hanno contattato, chiedendoci maggiori delucidazioni su come supportare il progetto, qui in allegato un link con un breve video esplicativo. Fatelo girare cortesemente, Grazie, Giancarlo

martedì 1 marzo 2016

45% in five days!

Dear friends, it's amazing, in about five days we have 45% percent of the funds. This project is possible, together we can build the Volume 1. Talk about it to your friends, invite them to see the link, share .... We have a crazy enthusiasm, we want Simon Blood!

giovedì 25 febbraio 2016

Now on Kickstarter, is online my graphic novel "Simon Blood, The Seventh Moon" . Please, support this project, and help me to share the link : Thank you
Domani 26 Febbraio, su, inizierà la campagna di raccolta fondi per la realizzazione della mia Graphic Novel a fumetti " Simon Blood, La Settima Luna" , aiutatemi a condividere questo post amici

mercoledì 24 febbraio 2016

from February 26, Simon Blood "the Seventh Moon" will be online on Kickstarter, I need your help, look and share this post, Thanks, Giancarlo

Dal 26 Febbraio , Simon Blood " la Settina Luna " sarà online su Kickstarter, guarda ed aiutami a condividere questo post, Grazie, Giancarlo

venerdì 19 febbraio 2016

Color pages
The idea for Simon Blood was in the back of my mind for several years, finally it’s came to life after many doubts. With time that idea grew in my mind, it has become an imaginary world where monsters, vampires, zombies and anthropomorphic figures come to life in a series of dynamic actions, including extraordinary landscapes, figment of my imagination and of all the readings, films and comics I've read in years. It will be trilogy, an epic tale, immersed in gloomy atmosphere, sometimes dramatic, surprising, inspired by the classic tales of adventure, where mythological figures and technology will amaze you. It’s a story for all-ages, adults and children a story that will entertain and make you dream on. This project is very important to me and Flavia. it’s is the opportunity to realize our desire, an idea that unites us, we promise our best, help us make this dream come true.
I'm Giancarlo Caracuzzo, and I'm making Simon Blood Book I: The Star Seed. • Simon Blood is an all-ages graphic novel inspired by my favorite movies and comics. If you likedMoebius, Uderzo, Miyazaki, Asterix, Arzach, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, then you just might become a fan of Simon Blood. Simon Blood will be a 54 pages colouring book, that’ll include several covers, sketches and illustrations. The book is being written and drawn by me, and colored by Flavia Caracuzzo, my daughter, and it’s scheduled to be finished in August of 2016, and shipped out to backers in October of 2016. The book will be translated in Englishand Italian language
Welcome to SIMON BLOOD- a Graphic Novel by Giancarlo Caracuzzo & Flavia Caracuzzo